Welcome to the Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma (PCL) Unit Website
Since November 2019 (FEK 22.11.2019) the National Center for Excellence on Rare Hematological Diseases of Children and Adults – Cutaneous Lymphoma operates in the 2nd Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
The Center operates with the collaboration a team of experts, collaborating national and international structures for the effective monitoring and treatment of patients with Cutaneous Lymphomas and Rare Diseases.
As a National Center of Excellence, we have collaborations with hospitals both from the 2nd YPE, of the Aegean through telemedicine but also with hospitals throughout the country, aiming at providing health services to all Greeks equal to those of major international centers.
Having developed a multidisciplinary team with collaborators, the Center can provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to patients with Cutaneous Lymphomas.

Our patients have access to a Team of Specialists
which provides them with the best possible care
The Multidisciplinary Team includes specialized Doctors, Biologists,Nurses with many years of experience.